Magical Night in NYC

On Friday the 13th, Sandi and I had one of those rare, lucky moments. Following dinner at Trattoria Del Arte with my literary agent, Linda Langton, we crossed 7th Avenue and attended a concert at Carnegie Hall. Our dear friend, Alexander Markov, arguably the greatest...

Ten Things I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said to be published

Ten Things I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said will be published by Leafwood Publishers, an imprint of Abilene Christian University. I am to receive a $1500 advance. The book is scheduled for publication in August of 2015. This news arrived when I came back yesterday from...

New Job

Left Tupelo 4:30 a.m. and arrived Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility 7:00 for first day on my new job as part-time psychologist. I will work two ten hour back to back days a week. The facility has 2600 inmates, all from Calif. Long fueling day with no customary...

Tornado and Writing Update

Since the tornado tore through Tupelo on Monday, April 28, we are just now getting internet service. The funnel’s touchdown was one block from our house. We rode it out under our house. Power was out for 48 hours. The writing and promotion of books continues....

New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today

The book has been published (Feburary 18) and is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as through the authors. As of today, it is #5 in its category on Barnes & Noble. It has been doing well on Amazon as well. I’ll keep you posted. JEM


New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? is due out next week. Co-author Roy Ryan and I anticipate brisk sales based upon early interest. Return to Freedom Summer is under current review by a number of noted publishers. Nothing definite at this point. The...