Idea for new novel

For some time, I have entertained the idea of an historical novel on the Revolutionary War. The idea has resurfaced with the reading of Revolutionary Summer by Joseph Ellis. Though the person and event I am considering does not occur within that time frame, Paul...

Surgery update

Had a night in hell after the surgery, but am moving slowly back to normal. Got in the pool with grandkids yesterday, watered plants, read, worked on Q: The Lost Gospel. Up this morning, attended church and taught Sunday school, back home around noon. Took a nap and...

Left Carotid Surgery

Underwent left carotid surgery on the 27th, home on the 28th. Sailed through the surgery but had major problems with urination related to the anesthesia…a night in hell. Turned the corner the next morning and had a restful night last night at home. JEM

Update on Old Testament Stories

Since its publication in December of 2012, Old Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? is still #1 on Amazon in its category and ranks high as well on Barnes & Noble. We are finishing up on New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? and will have it ready...

Old Testament Stories

“This is a meaningful and enjoyable book for several reasons. First, it is a fine resource for Biblical literacy. This is particularly important for Christians these days with respect to the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”). Also, the work enhances our...

Book Update

Received word Sunday via e-mail that Mark’s Gospel: The Last Page, a historical novel, has been accepted by an agent, Dr. Thomas Schiavone, for representation. The Christian Right: Is It Christian? Is It Right…Or Left is nearing the actual printing...