by gcgadmin | Jul 14, 2013 | Blog
Roy Ryan checked the numbers last night and our Old Testament book is still number one in its category on Amazon and #12 on B & N. Great News.
by gcgadmin | Jul 8, 2013 | Blog
Sandi is almost finished with her edit of this novel that has been in the works for over thirty years. I will probably change the title. I began going over her work today, stopped at page 86, took over 90% of her recommendations. I paid almost $700 for one of Linda...
by gcgadmin | Jul 4, 2013 | Blog
Significant progress early this morning on this book about the first gospel. It becomes a thriller on two different levels in two different eras. Enjoying Revolution Summer by Joseph Ellis. Independence was voted on on July 2 and approved for publication on...
by gcgadmin | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog
This is a picture of Roy Ryan and me after a presentation of Old Testament Stories at the Lee County Library. Camille Caples is helping count the money from sales, much of it going to the library.
by gcgadmin | Jul 2, 2013 | Blog
Returned to work today, five days after surgery, and did not expect to feel as tired when the day was over at 1:00 p.m. Took a long nap at home and resumed work on Q: The Lost Gospel. Looking forward to my first meeting with the folks at Bethel Road...
by gcgadmin | Jul 1, 2013 | Blog
I picked up the thread today on the last fictional work, Q: The Lost Gospel, and was able to solve on of the problems with my two main characters on the 21st Century time line. Moving along nicely on the 1st century time line with that protagonist. Recovering from...