Tornado and Writing Update

Since the tornado tore through Tupelo on Monday, April 28, we are just now getting internet service. The funnel's touchdown was one block from our house. We rode it out under our house. Power was out for 48 hours. The writing and promotion of books continues. Roy Ryan...

New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today

The book has been published (Feburary 18) and is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as through the authors. As of today, it is #5 in its category on Barnes & Noble. It has been doing well on Amazon as well. I'll keep you posted. JEM


New Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? is due out next week. Co-author Roy Ryan and I anticipate brisk sales based upon early interest. Return to Freedom Summer is under current review by a number of noted publishers. Nothing definite at this point. The...

Return to Freedom Summer

This novel, a work in progress for over 40 years, was sent out today to 22 top publishers around the country. My agent and her staff feel good about the prospects. Keep fingers crossed.

Hip Replacement

Underwent hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, November 19. Except for some excruciating pain with urination related to anesthesiology issues, all went well. Ambulated from one end of the hospital complex to the other twice the first day of the surgery, took care of...

Literary Agent Contract on a new novel

Linda Langton, renown national and international literary agent, sent word today she and her firm want to represent my novel The Pillared Dark. The novel has been a work in progress for almost 40 years. After many revisions, rewrites, and edits, it has made it this...

Old Testament Stories Rotary Presentation

Roy Ryan and I made a presentation to Tupelo Rotary International last week. We were well received with our review of Old Testament Stories: What Do They Say Today? Without hats, we look like the Blues Brothers. Janice Traywick, past president, gave us a wonderful...