New Zealand Journal Days 6 and 7

New Zealand Journal Day 6 We arose at 6 a.m. to a stunning sunrise in Napier, Hawkes Bay. After a light breakfast, compliments of Te Pania our lovely hotel, we packed for the long 4/5 hour drive to Wellington. Along the way south on State Hwy 2 the Ruahine Mountain...

New Zealand Journal Day 5

We departed Taupo after a splendid stay at the Hilton overlooking the town and mammoth lake. The drive was easy, a straight shot on Hwy 5 into Napier, an art decor seaport on the Pacific. Descending from the mountains onto the coastal plain, the scenery along the way...

New Zealand Journal Day 4

New Zealand, Day 4, February 23 After a fabulous breakfast, we departed Rotorua. The one hour drive to Taupo was marked by frequent thermal vapor sitings, lush countryside, sculptured hills from the Jurrasic glacial period (like one sees in northern Scotland), herds...

New Zealand Journal Day 3

Day 3 February 22 We arose 7:30 and ate a scrumptious breakfast before trying some adventure. We struck out to find Paradise Valley several miles from Rotorua, a type of zoo with live New Zealand animals. We enjoyed seeing the lovely New Zealand countryside. After...